Norwegian Wildlife Hospital

About us
In 2012, Israel-born Aviv Livnat started his veterinary practice and took on his first wild patient in Norway, a Tawny Owl that was successfully treated and released. Word spread about his efforts, which were purely voluntary and done at his own expense in terms of both time and money. As a slow but steady trickle of wildlife began to arrive in southwestern Norway’s Sokndal township, Aviv has been busy helping animals there since 2010.
In May 2013, Aviv founded the Norwegian Wildlife Hospital as a non-profit organization. It is an organization that is run by veterinarians with a passion for ensuring sick or injured wildlife receive the same high level of treatment afforded to most domesticated animals.
Our vision:
A small-scale treatment and rehabilitation center with the equipment and expertise needed to help Norwegian wildlife. At first, we intend to accept patients from our area, that being Rogaland and other counties in this region, and then eventually hope to cover the whole country.
Our purpose:
To diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate wild animals that are sick or injured, and then return them to the wild. This requires expertise, a facility and the time of veterinarians and other volunteers.
Our current status:
We have treated patients exhibiting metabolic, neurologic, ophthalmologic, orthopedic and infectious problems.
Background photo by Richard Larssen